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Traveling around the world can be a lot of fun. It is good to get out there and go to places that you have never been, taking in some culture that you have never seen before. However, when traveling the world, it is easy to be taken advantage of.
Mostly as a tourist, you do not know the layout of the land. Thus, it is easy for people to get the upper hand on you. Today we are going to cover a few global traveling safety tips that you may want to keep in mind when traveling.
First of all, do not open your hotel door to anyone. Make sure that you call down to the front desk to check their ID.
When walking around in a big city, be sure to wear some kind of shoulder belt or money belt to hold your money and passport. Also, on buses and subways, be careful for pickpockets, these are the areas that they like to hang out at.
Before walking around an area that you do not know, try to learn about the location as much as possible. Try to find “safe areas.” These would be places like police stations, hospitals, and even stores. Also, try not to let yourself get distracted.
Most criminals work in pairs, they track you and while one gets your attention (normally a female), the other criminal makes their move. Keep in mind, when riding on the subway, to try and sit in a train cart that has a lot of people in it.
Avoid sitting in carts that are empty. On that same note, be sure to try and dress conservatively. If you look too “touristy”, you are a prime target for thieves.