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Traveling to China is a great way to branch out from what you are used to. They have a lot of great things to see, and the food there is amazing! However, before you start packing your bags there are some tips you should keep in mind when traveling to China. These are tips that could save you a lot of time and a big headache later.
First of all, get as much information on the area that you are traveling to before you go. Learn the layout of the land by looking at some maps online. This will make it easier to travel around once you get there.
Next, before you go be sure to make a few copies of your passport. You are going to want to bring one with you, but you also need to leave one with a relative back at home. Make sure that the photos on your passport and whatnot are very accurate before you go as well. On another note, when you do not need to have your passport with you, be sure to leave it in a safety box at the hotel.
When visiting China, do keep in mind that most of the water that comes out of the tap in most hotels is NOT DRINKABLE! You need to make sure that your water is boiled before drinking. It is a good idea to bring bottled water to drink with you. When it comes to money, also be sure to exchange your money at a Bank or at the hotel. Do not try to exchange your money at the black market. This is illegal, and you could very well get ripped off.