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Influenza A H1N1 or more commonly referred to as the “Swine Flu Virus” is the latest airborne disease that should caution every traveler around the world. While Mexico is the most affected country, other countries have also reported deaths related to the said Swine Flu virus.
But if you really wanted to travel even with this scare, the following are simple safety tips:
Stay Up To Date
Stay informed – as much as possible do not go to countries that have reported infections on swine flu. Mexico and the state of California are points of concern for this type of virus.
Stay away from very crowded areas – like the Bird Flu virus, Swine Flu is an airborne disease which means you don’t have to touch the person to be infected. Stay away from a person that sneezes too much, coughs and look sick.
Bring Sanitizers – it’s a smart move to clean chairs and other things that you’ll use with a sanitizer, particularly alcohol based ones. Although they could provide only up to 60% protection, it’s a lot better than nothing at all.
Be healthy – a weak immune system increases your susceptibility to viruses. If you just recovered from a disease, it’s better to reschedule travel to avoid increased chances of infection.
These are simple but very effective preventive steps on how to prevent infection. Take note that this is a deadly disease and it has virtually stopped business operations in key cities in Mexico. Without precautionary measures, other countries could be infected as well.