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Travelling to Greece is a dream for most people. There are so many things to see and do in this area, it would be a joy for most people to spend a few days there. However, when you have a hot spot like Greece, which is a magnet for tourists, you are going to have a lot of scams in the area. Most of the scams are easy to spot, but there is one major scam in Greece that everyone seems to fall for.
The most common scam that you are going to see in Greece is the Greek version of the very famous “clip joint routine.” This has been reported many times in Athens, but do keep in mind that it can still be found in other areas and other cities. The only way you can be safe is to be sure to avoid this scam.
Pretty much, the scam is normally done on a single male who is out at night. This person will be approach by a Greek person who seems very friendly. After talking to the person for awhile, he is likely to talk about a cool bar or club that he knows of.
Once the single male follows this person to the club or bar, he will be joined by some ladies who are likely going to start ordering some drinks, normally champagne, but other drinks are becoming more common.
All seems to go perfect until the end of the night when you can not find this so called friendly Greek, and you are stuck with a very, very high drink bill. So a travel clever advice would be: drink responsibly even when you are abroad.